See why people are talking about BoosterPet!

In addition to providing accessible, quality veterinary care, we want to create a more a supportive experience for our team members AND other veterinary professionals.

  • Urgent Care referrals accepted, walk-in or appointment. We really hope this helps you out!

    We create accessibility for those cases that may not fit in your day. If you find yourself short staffed, we can help - refer a case and we will be sure to take care of your valuable client, working with you to solve their problems and yours.

    Not every case needs to go to the ER. Our Urgent Care clinics take care of those issues where the wait and high cost of an ER is not necessary. It also allows the ER hospitals to focus their energy and talent on the best use of their time and resources.

    Trust us, your client will appreciate the timeliness and savings of an Urgent Care Clinic.

  • Wellness clinics are run by our LVTs. How does this improve our profession?

    We believe in leveraging the full talent and potential of our team members. For a certain spectrum of caseload (primarily wellness, i.e vaccinations, routine check ups, preventative medication refills, etc…) a veterinarian can oversee multiple technician led teams. This allows a single vet to take care of up to 5X more cases a day - that’s crazy! But it works.

    This frees up veterinary talent to focus their energy and expertise on those cases that may need more attention.

  • Our Model includes thoughtful pricing and memberships. How and why do we do this in today’s economy?

    Our distributed caseload and telemedicine practice model allows us to pay staff a living / career wage (you would be surprised…) while at the same time keeping prices affordable for everyone. This further enhances accessibility to veterinary care for those who have to critically think about every non essential purchase they make.

    Access to veterinary medical care should be for everyone.

  • We work with team members to meet your needs. Are you curious???

    Part of the work/life balance equation is working with people to figure out what they need to truly stay in the profession. Maybe its part - time, one week on, one week off, etc... We do our best to allow for these considerations. All you have to do is ask.

    We try to reframe the structure of work/career so you don’t have to make compromising choices between your life and work. Remember that thing called "burn out?" Yeah, we want that to go away and not be a "thing.”

  • Education and prevention are key to our service model.

    Insurance is great but not everyone can afford it or is aware of its value. Plus, by the time a pet parent needs insurance, it’s often too late.

    We promote wellness and preventative medicine so we find kidney disease early, we treat hyperthyroidism early, we prevent a mouthful of teeth extractions in older pets, we identify a puppy’s heart condition early rather than waiting for the moment the treatment is either too expensive or ineffective.

  • We are quick to implement new ideas. Why is this important? If it isn’t broke, why fix it?

    History is full of innovators who were slow to adopt the very technology they invented - think digital photography, cell phones, the personal computer. The inventors of these technologies were not the first adopters and they often got left in the dust (i.e. Kodak, ATT, IBM).

    We are careful to critically evaluate and model new technology that will help improve the lives of our staff and our pet parents. And, unlike, large corporations. we are nimble enough to change and adapt - we’re talking ninja like flexibility.

  • Your opinion matters? Absolutely!

    The market place is changing, people want more out of their careers (or maybe even less). We want to know what that is. Chances are our model will allow for most of your needs.

    Maybe it’s an enhanced mentorship model where you work closely with other DVMs and LVTs that have your back until you build up your own confidence. Maybe you are keen to implement the newest tech in your practice or a new treatment option.

    We are always open to listening to ideas. After all that's how we got where we are. So….What do you want?

Here are a few ways we show we care.